Maris | Part of the CBRE Affiliate Network, part of the CBRE Affiliate Network, is a company in the commercial real estate sector. The company offers services including office rentals, market research, investment consulting, and brokerage services. Since 2011, Maris | Part of the CBRE Affiliate Network has been the leader among brokerage companies in terms of contracted office premises in St. Petersburg. The company provides market research services and has a team of professionals with extensive experience in the commercial real estate market. Maris | Part of the CBRE Affiliate Network offers office rental options in different areas of the city and provides assistance in the selection of premises, market analysis, and investment prospective services. The company is specialized in retail services in the field of commercial real estate and provides agency services and carries out operations related to the management of commercial facilities.
Невский, 104, А, 9-Н Офис 301
Санкт-Петербург; Санкт-Петербург;
Почтовый индекс: 191025
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