Maxi-Stroi OOO is a construction company. It specializes in a wide range of construction and installation works, including windows, doors, metal plastic products, and internal engineering networks for residential, commercial, and public buildings. The company also offers services in the construction and repair of roads, as well as the installation of ventilation systems, video surveillance, and access control systems. Maxi-Stroi OOO is a major contractor in the regional market of capital repairs and has developed a strong expertise in construction and separation materials. The company also provides comprehensive supply of building facilities and premises necessary for work with materials, equipment, and technology. With a focus on the construction industry, Maxi-Stroi OOO implements careful production tools and offers rental building equipment. The company has a strong focus on capital repairs and restoration of multi-home houses, as well as the production of a full cycle of repair and construction works.
Данилова, 15, 11, 318
Выборг; Ленинградская область;
Почтовый индекс: 188800
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