MUP Teplovye Seti G.Gatchina is a municipal unitary enterprise. The company specializes in the production and distribution of heat, including the installation of heat energy accounting devices in multi-apartment houses. They also provide connection to the heat supply system and have a laboratory for repair of measuring equipment and conducting electrical measurements. MUP Teplovye Seti G.Gatchina operates in the construction and engineering communications industry, with a focus on water storage and cleaning for drinking and industrial needs. They have developed a project for the installation of automated ITPs with plastic heat exchangers in a residential area. The company has a total of 430 Gcal/h capacity with heat networks and a length of over 100 km.
Володарского, 6
Гатчина; Ленинградская область;
Почтовый индекс: 188304
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите МУП Тепловые Сети Г.Гатчина отчет .
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