Laguna Koil OOO is an ice cream producer. The company operates 14 branches and its own ice cream factories in Moscow and Barnaul. It offers over 140 types of ice cream, including traditional and unique flavors, and has a distribution system with 20 branches and official distributors in Russia and CIS countries. Laguna Koil OOO has expanded its market to the U.S., Israel, and Eastern Europe. The company's production facilities are equipped with modern equipment and have the capacity to produce up to 18,000 products per hour.
Змеиногорский, 104, 15/3
Барнаул; Алтайский край;
Почтовый индекс: 656045
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Лагуна Койл ООО отчет .
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