Kpd-Gazstroy OOO is a construction company specializing in the development of own projects, service services, and production of materials for road and large-scale home construction. They are involved in the management, operation, maintenance, and development of the electric network in all their projects. The company offers telecommunications services and produces commodity concrete, CPCs, and armature products. They also provide comprehensive support for housing transactions and offer discounts on apartments in new buildings. Additionally, they are involved in the construction of residential complexes and renovations, with a new large-scale developer project in the northern part of Novosibirsk.
Тайгинская, 13
Новосибирск; Новосибирская область;
Почтовый индекс: 630129
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Кпд-Газстрой ООО отчет .
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