Habarovskii Express OOO operates in the telecommunications industry. It specializes in providing operational and technical maintenance of peripheral land stations of the VSAT networks, as well as antennas and power enhancers of land station satellite communication. The company offers a package of television and radio programs for the broadcaster zone "A" and is known for its advanced teleport. It is responsible for the uninterrupted work of 25 Earth satellite communications stations. Additionally, the company manufactures equipment for children's and sports fields, including gaming complexes, training and tournament equipment, and road robbery products. It is also involved in the production of furniture and tribal livestock development, as well as the development of transportation systems and gas supply.
Уссурийский, 9А
Хабаровск; Хабаровский край;
Почтовый индекс: 680000
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Хабэкс ООО отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://habex.ru
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