Geoproektizyskaniya OOO is a company specializing in engineering and construction design and exploration works. The company offers comprehensive design of industrial and civil objects, as well as a complete set of works and services for the design, construction, and operation of capital construction objects, including dangerous and technically complex projects. Geoproektizyskaniya OOO offers services in aerospace, visual and thermal diagnosis of electrical equipment, industrial facilities, and structures. The company has branches and separate divisions throughout Russia and the CIS States and is a national leader in the field of design and exploration works.
Андроновское, 26, Стр.17
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 111024
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Геопроектизыскания ООО (Москва) отчет .
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