Fond Prezidentskii Center B.N. Eltsina is a company that operates a network of city cafés and a reading room with access to a remote electronic reading hall. The company offers a wide range of tea, coffee, and food products, and collaborates with various organizations to provide educational and cultural activities, including a museum, art gallery, and inclusive programs for people with disabilities. Fond Prezidentskii Center B.N. Eltsina is involved in preserving and presenting the historical legacy of Boris Yeltsin, with a focus on educational and enlightening activities. Additionally, the company offers a platform for musical and theatrical events, as well as educational projects for children and adults.
Бориса Ельцина, 3, 314
Екатеринбург; Свердловская область;
Почтовый индекс: 620000
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Ельцин Центр отчет .
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