Dontransgidromehanizatsiya AO specializes in hydromechanized works in the Southern Federal District. The company operates in the construction of transport facilities and the cleaning of rivers, offering services such as land mining, transportation, and fractioning of construction materials using hydroclassification equipment. Dontransgidromehanizatsiya AO has extensive experience in the development, hydraulic transportation, and washing of ground stables for use in industrial and civil construction. They also carry out landwork on the development, cleaning, and deepening of the bottom of rivers, channels, water reservoirs, and other water facilities. The company has a wide park of earthquake equipment and automotive for the performance of landwork in the dry way and has developed a modern diesel-pressed land-based missile capable of transporting materials at a distance of up to 1,500.0 m. Dontransgidromehanizatsiya AO also has great experience in the washing of ground hydrotechnical structures, including thicknesses, coastal reinforcements, hard and current-managing dames.
2-Я Луговая, 22
Ростов-на-Дону; Ростовская область;
Почтовый индекс: 344002
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Донтгм АО отчет .
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