Delis Archive is a company that offers a full range of archive services for domestic and foreign companies, including storage, arrangement, digitization, and destruction of documents. Their services cater to various industries and organizations, such as financial companies, banks, public companies, and the production industry. Delis Archive uses eco-friendly technology for paper shredding and modern equipment for digitization. They also provide services for the responsible storage of documents, including those containing sensitive information.
Хохловский, 16, 1, 5 Помещ 11
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 109028
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Профили компаний EMIS являются частью более крупной информационной службы, которая объединяет данные о компаниях, промышленности и странах, а также анализ по более чем 125 развивающимся рынкам.
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