Contact-Center OOO is a call center organization company that has been operating since 2004. They provide call center services for small and large companies, offering convenient conditions and affordable prices. The company serves various business sectors, including online stores, banks, fitness clubs, pharmaceutical companies, and retail networks. They offer services such as organizing hotlines, call center rental, telemarketing, active telephone sales, surveying, updating customer bases, and order registration. They have experience working with state institutions and have their own training and quality control departments. The company has grown from a small reference service to a professional call center, providing services throughout the Russian Federation. They utilize technologies for managing customer communication and feedback, and they guarantee low prices and high-quality advice for their customers.
Октябрьской Революции, 43, П3 Офис 314
Нижний Новгород; Нижегородская область;
Почтовый индекс: 603011
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Контакт-Центр ООО (Нижний Новгород) отчет .
Профили компаний EMIS являются частью более крупной информационной службы, которая объединяет данные о компаниях, промышленности и странах, а также анализ по более чем 125 развивающимся рынкам.
Запросить демо-версию услуг EMISДля просмотра дополнительной информации, ЗАПРОС ДЕМО