Nauchno-Vnedrencheskoe Predpriyatie Biotep OOO operates in the agricultural industry, specializing in the production and delivery of quality products for farm animals and birds. Their offerings include Primix organic-mineral for birds and "Calcium-Mix" for chickens. The company utilizes its own car transport and works with transport companies for product delivery. Their target market includes regions such as Stavropolsky, Krasnodar Region, Samarsk, Saratovskaya, Rostov, Volgograd, and Moscow Region. The company focuses on increasing resistance to diseases, preventing cannibalism, and improving the safety and productivity of birds.
Шоссейная, 5
Новопавловск; Ставропольский край;
Почтовый индекс: 357301
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Биотэп ООО отчет .
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