Bestkom OOO is a construction and installation company. They specialize in engineering communications, sanitation services, polypropylene pipe welding, teleinspection complex, horizontal drilling, and external gas supply line construction. Their target market includes residential, commercial, and other buildings in nearby regions. Bestkom OOO uses modern professional equipment, television inspection, and hydrodynamic machines for their construction and installation projects, focusing on water and sanitation networks, gas pipelines, and cable communication construction. Their main business is providing technical services in the field of construction and installation of engineering communications, including sanitation services.
75 Гвардейской Бригады, 10В, 7
Омск; Омская область;
Почтовый индекс: 644076
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Бестком ООО отчет .
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