Bars-Gidravlik Group OOO is a group of companies that specializes in supplying spare parts and components for industrial enterprises in Russia and nearby abroad. The company offers a wide range of hydraulic equipment and complexes, including various components such as high-pressure gloves, fast-deployed connections, industrial slangs, RVD machinery, hydraulic pipe, fitting, lubricating materials, substrate, manometers, linear directing, lead belt, and bag filter. It is also a trading partner of international pneumatic equipment manufacturers, offering products of SMC and PNEUMAX trademarks. Bars-Gidravlik Group OOO is the official distributor of VOSS Fluid GmbH Germany, offering a range of tube connectors, rope ring tube connections, hydraulic valves, and pre-assembly devices. Additionally, the company supplies lubricating materials for industrial compressor equipment of Molykote and offers a wide selection of fertilizer paste. The company provides services for the repair and manufacture of high-pressure gloves and is equipped with modern equipment from the world leader in the field. Bars-Gidravlik Group OOO is headquartered in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Железнодорожный, 51, Т, N1
Санкт-Петербург; Санкт-Петербург;
Почтовый индекс: 192148
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