Astrovizhn OOO is a foreign trade company specializing in the export supplies of machinery and spare parts. The company has been an exporter of spare parts and aggregates for autotractor equipment to foreign countries. Astrovizhn OOO provides technical consultations, OEM outsourcing, negotiations, certificates, licensing documents, and customs accompaniment of goods. The company offers tires for tractors, construction machines, cars, and other equipment working in heavy conditions, as well as special tires without wear-resistant analogues. Astrovizhn OOO has provided partners within the country and abroad with spare parts and aggregates for various types of equipment, including vehicles, agricultural and steering equipment, tractors, combines, welding equipment, and railway equipment.
Садовая-Черногрязская, 16-18, 1, 1/1Б
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 101000
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