Art-Kamen OOO is a manufacturing company that specializes in producing staircases from granite, marble, and other materials, as well as manufacturing stone stairs and stainless roofs. They also supply natural stone from our country and abroad, and process and manufacture various products from stones, including marble and granite tables. The company offers interior fountains, named fireworks, and a variety of products made from natural and artificial stone, metal, wood, and sculptural concrete for interior and exterior design, as well as for landscape design and urban spaces.
Кузнецова, 2, 3
Новокузнецк; Кемеровская область;
Почтовый индекс: 654041
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Арт-Камень ООО (Новокузнецк) отчет .
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