Arkgou OOO is a company that supplies a wide range of welding materials and equipment for industrial and oil and gas production sectors. They offer products from leading domestic and imported manufacturers, including welding machines, generators, compounds, electrodes, wire, fluid, and inverter welding machines. The company also provides consultancy on equipment selection, flexible discounts, and post-guarantee service. Arkgou OOO targets industries such as chemical and petrochemical enterprises, transportation of chemicals, and urban infrastructure. They use modern technologies such as MOSFET and IGBT transistors in their welding machines and supply imported spare parts from Europe, the United States, and Japan for automated control and management systems in industrial production technology. With a team of professional employees and a wide regional network with warehouse infrastructure, the company has a balanced pricing strategy and competitive advantages, allowing them to conquer a significant part of the welding materials market.
Октябрьская, 184, В, 105
Ставрополь; Ставропольский край;
Почтовый индекс: 355047
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Аркгоу ООО отчет .
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