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Antipinskii Npz AO (Russia)

Main Activities: Petroleum Refineries
Full name: Antipinskii Npz AO Profile Updated: August 19, 2024
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"Antipinsky NPZ" is located in the industrial zone of Tyumen in the southeast near the village of Antipino. In the area of focus the bulk of Russian oil reserves (72%) and natural gas (91%). However, despite the fact that the Tyumen region is among the largest oil-producing regions, it is forced to import light oil from other regions of around 1.2, in particular, from the Omsk Oil Refinery (550 km from Santiago), the Ufa Oil Refinery (800 km) and Permnefteorgsintez (600 km). On November 4, 2006 received permission for the administration of Tyumen commissioning stage of the construction company I "Antipinsky refinery," a design capacity of 400 thousand tons / year of crude oil. As of 2009, as a result of modernization the actual capacity of the queue I was 800 thousand tons / year. April 9, 2010 received permission for the administration of Tyumen commissioning stage II design capacity of 2750 tons / year. In the second stage of the process of modernizing the power will be increased to 3300 tons / year before the end of the year. Power to the refinery start-up stage II was 3500 tons / year and will reach the end of 2010 to 4, 1 The company is not such a power was introduced in Russia the last 28 years. Technical conditions for connection to the main refinery pipelines issued AK "Transneft" for a total capacity of 6 million tons per year, with the development of enterprises, including the third phase of construction of the plant.

6-Oi, 20
Tyumen; Tyumen Oblast; Postal Code: 625047

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Basic Information
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Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
July 30, 2004
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Anpz -Produkt OOO
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency RUB. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
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