Agroresursy OOO is a wholesale pharmaceutical company. The company operates in the pharmaceutical market of Siberia, Ural, the Far East, Privolgya, South, and North Caucasus. It supplies medicines to 27,500 pharmacies and medical facilities, with a catalog of over 8200 positions. Agroresursy OOO has a broadened sales network, with more than half of the delivery points located in small cities and rural areas. The company has a state of 700 employees and an annual turnover of 900 million rubles, with a growth rate of 80% to 2005.
Абк, 5, 21
Новосибирская область; Новосибирская область;
Почтовый индекс: 630559
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Агроресурсы ООО отчет .
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