Aerostar Contract OOO is a supplier of personal care and household chemistry in aerosol packaging. They have been producing aerosol products for over 16 years, offering a wide range of ready-made recipes and the ability to create unique products based on customer requests. The company also provides logistics management for importing raw materials and components from Europe and Asia, as well as customs clearance and timely delivery across Russia and the CIS countries. They claim to maintain leading positions in the contract production market for aerosol products. The company has also joined efforts with RPKA members to promote legislative acts and solve specific issues in the Russian perfume and cosmetics industry.
Новая Бозня, 3
Вязьма; Смоленская область;
Почтовый индекс: 215113
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Аэростар Контракт ООО отчет .
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