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Showing company reports for Russia, Accommodation

Displaying 1,451-1,500 of 2,202 companies
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Chernomorkurortproekt ZAO (Черноморкурортпроект ЗАО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $256,830
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Ekoteli Snegirek OOO (Экотель Снегирек ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $254,872
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Zhilstandart OOO (Жилстандарт ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $253,881
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Dom OOO (Bratsk) (Дом ООО (Братск))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $253,287
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Status OOO (Leningrad Oblast) (Статус ООО (Ленинградская область))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $253,147
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Arctic ZAO (Yakutsk) (Арктика ЗАО (Якутск))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $252,425
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Crystal OOO (Krasnoyarsk) (Кристалл ООО (Красноярск))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $251,341
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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GK Yubileinyi OOO (ГК Юбилейный ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $249,500
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Terra-1 OOO (Терра-1 ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $248,929
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Merkus OOO (Меркус ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $248,812
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Zolotoi Gorod OOO (Золотой Город ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $248,765
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Dom Rybaka OOO (Khabarovsk) (Дом Рыбака ООО (Хабаровск))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $248,334
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Uspeh OOO (Krasnodar) (Успех ООО (Краснодар))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $247,309
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Stroiturservis OOO (Стройтурсервис ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $246,948
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gostepriimstvo OOO (Гостеприимство ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $246,143
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Detoli OOO (Дэтоль ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $245,188
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Brukston-N OOO (Брукстон-Н ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $244,687
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Tekso OOO (Тэксо ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $244,524
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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GP Gostinica Priokskaya (ГП Гостиница Приокская)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $243,556
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Inturist-Stavropoli OOO (Интурист-Ставрополь ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $241,727
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Turist-Invest OOO (Турист-Инвест ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $240,725
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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GK Podsnezhnik AO (ГК Подснежник АО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $240,561
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Hotel Chaikovskii OOO (Отель Чайковский ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $240,317
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Kok Krasnaya Gvozdika AO (Кок Красная Гвоздика АО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $240,177
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Victoria OOO (Saint Petersburg) (Виктория ООО (Санкт-Петербург))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $239,315
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Primorie-Grant OOO (Приморье-Грант ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $237,683
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Baltiya OOO (Saint Petersburg) (Балтия ООО (Санкт-Петербург))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $237,019
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Nadezhda + N OOO (Надежда + Н ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $236,623
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Andersan-Hotel OOO (Андерсан-Отель ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $236,331
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Nadir OOO (Kazan) (Надир ООО (Казань))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $233,721
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Safari GK OOO (Сафари ГК ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $233,628
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gostinica Nikopol OOO (Гостиница Никопол ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $233,360
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Seti Hostelov Zahodi OOO (Сеть Хостелов Заходи ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $232,772
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Effect OOO (Cherepovec) (Эффект ООО (Череповец))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $232,556
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Oron OOO (Saint Petersburg) (Орон ООО (Санкт-Петербург))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $232,334
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Start OOO (Taganrog) (Старт ООО (Таганрог))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $230,889
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Hotel OOO (Orenburg) (Отель ООО (Оренбург))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $230,038
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Premier-Center OOO (Премьер-Центр ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $229,596
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Petervili OOO (Петервиль ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $229,397
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Hotel Nevskii Dvor OOO (Отель Невский Двор ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $229,153
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Ardeya OOO (Ардея ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $228,838
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Sanrei OOO (Санрэй ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $228,570
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Karvika OOO (Карвика ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $225,517
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Service OOO (Shumerlya) (Сервис ООО (Шумерля))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $224,433
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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GK Region 59 OOO (ГК Регион 59 ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $223,571
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Baza Otdyha Chaika (База Отдыха Чайка)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $222,883
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Grand Vital OOO (Гранд Витал ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $222,464
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Praga OOO (Saint Petersburg) (Прага ООО (Санкт-Петербург))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $222,324
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Kurapovo OOO (Курапово ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $221,555
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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