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Showing company reports for Russia, Accommodation

Displaying 751-800 of 2,202 companies
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Itafami OOO (Итафами ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $977,537
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Info OOO (Samara) (Инфо ООО (Самара))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $976,779
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Hotel-Club OOO (Отель-Клуб ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $972,287
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Dolzhanka OOO (Должанка ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $970,218
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Siti Hotel OOO (Сити Отель ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $969,356
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Hotel Yar AO (Отель Яр АО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $967,794
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Co Istlend OOO (Цо Истлэнд ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $963,110
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Grin Hauz OOO (Tyumen) (Грин Хауз ООО (Тюмень))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $962,818
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Bristoli-Zhiguli Service OOO (Бристоль-Жигули Сервис ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $961,094
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Geizer OOO (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) (Гейзер ООО (Петропавловск-Камчатский))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $958,868
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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GK Lotos OOO (ГК Лотос ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $958,122
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Dalirio OOO (Дальрио ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $955,803
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Sanremo OOO (Sochi) (Санремо ООО (Сочи))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $955,558
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Sibirskii Medvedi OOO (Сибирский Медведь ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $950,046
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Laguna-Yug OOO (Лагуна-Юг ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $949,475
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Policom OOO (Voronezh) (Поликом ООО (Воронеж))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $946,981
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Ekoteli OOO (Экотель ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $945,804
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Zc Dzerzhinec OOO (Зц Дзержинец ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $945,793
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gostinica Turris AO (Гостиница Туррис АО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $942,495
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Aspekt-M OOO (Rybinsk) (Аспект-М ООО (Рыбинск))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $942,343
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Usadiba OOO (Pskov Oblast) (Усадьба ООО (Псковская область))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $937,088
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Siti Hotel Buk OOO (Сити Отель Бук ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $936,983
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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New light OOO (Sudak) (Новый Свет ООО (Судак))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $936,913
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Vzlet-Ort OOO (Взлет-Орт ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $935,375
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Yaroslavlioteliinvest OOO (Ярославльотельинвест ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $934,570
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Ahbyur OOO (Ахбюр ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $934,512
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Sitioteli OOO (Ситиотель ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $934,442
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Uk Rublevo-Myakinino AO (Ук Рублево-Мякинино АО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $933,370
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gostinichnyi Kompleks Metropolis OOO (Гостиничный Комплекс Метрополис ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $932,321
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Avtorskaya Gostinica OOO (Авторская Гостиница ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $932,251
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Agropromstroi AO (Агропромстрой АО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $932,240
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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TD Davydov OOO (ТД Давыдов ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $928,033
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Olikon OOO (Оликон ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $927,404
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Sambiya OOO (Zelenogradsk) (Самбия ООО (Зеленоградск))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $926,623
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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GK Zelenaya Roshta AO (ГК Зелёная Роща АО)
  • Industry: Manufacturing
  • Operating revenue: $924,851
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Sevlakmus OOO (Севлакмус ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $922,426
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Light OOO (Tambov) (Лайт ООО (Тамбов))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $921,985
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Dco Zarya OOO (Дцо Заря ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $918,954
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Hotel Hitrovka OOO (Отель Хитровка ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $916,857
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Diveevskaya Sloboda OOO (Дивеевская Слобода ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $914,934
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gostinichnyi Kompleks Turist OOO (Гостиничный Комплекс Турист ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $914,293
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gostinica Aurora OOO (Гостиница Аврора ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $912,802
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Meridian Management OOO (Меридиан Менеджмент ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $909,492
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Kompaniya Gloriya Invest M OOO (Компания Глория Инвест М ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $908,374
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Park-Hotel Zhardin 56 OOO (Парк-Отель Жардин 56 ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $907,546
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Bolishoi Ural OOO (Большой Урал ООО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $906,940
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Sakhalintourist ZAO (Сахалинтурист ЗАО)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $903,032
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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ChU Pansionat S Lecheniem Zvenigorod Std Rf (ЧУ Пансионат С Лечением Звенигород Стд Рф)
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $902,757
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Grand OOO (Perm) (Гранд ООО (Пермь))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $901,743
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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Gorizont OOO (Nakhodka) (Горизонт ООО (Находка))
  • Industry: Accommodation and Food Services
  • Operating revenue: $900,542
  • Available in: English & Russian
  • Format: PDF Download
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