Q-Railing Europe Holding Sp. z o.o. Oddzial W Polsce is a company in Poland, with a head office in Emmerich Am Rhein. It operates in the Metal Service Centers and Other Metal Merchant Wholesalers industry. Q-Railing Europe Holding Sp. z o.o. Oddzial W Polsce was incorporated on February 27, 2008. It currently has a total number of 21 - 50 (2010) employees. There was a net sales revenue increase of 21.89% reported in Q-Railing Europe Holding Sp. z o.o. Oddzial W Polsce’s latest financial highlights for 2021. Its total assets grew by 35.71% over the same period. Q-Railing Europe Holding Sp. z o.o. Oddzial W Polsce’s net profit margin decreased by 0.17% in 2021.
Marie-Curie-Strae 8-14
Emmerich Am Rhein; Nadrenia Polnocna-Westfalia;
Postal Code: 46-446
Contact Details: Purchase the Q-Railing Europe Holding Sp. z o.o. Oddzial W Polsce report to view the information.
Website: http://www.q-railing.pl
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