Przedsiebiorstwo Uslugowo-Handlowe Elpad Grzesiowski I Wspolnicy sp. j is a company operating in the water-can industry. They offer a wide range of products from Polish and foreign manufacturers, including PVC pipes, pipeline shapes, and PP products. The company provides solutions for sanitary, rain, and universal gravitational piping systems, as well as services for the implementation of water and sanitation networks. They target municipalities, industrial installations, and individual customers, and have a full range of materials in the field of water and sanitation installations.
Siedziba główna
Ul. Łęczycka 24A
Elbląg; Warmińsko-Mazurskie;
Kod pocztowy: 82-300
Szczegóły kontaktu: Zakup raport Przedsiębiorstwo Usługowo-Handlowe Elpad Grzesiowski I Wspólnicy sp. j. aby zobaczyć szczegóły
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