Przedsiebiorstwo Robot Inzynieryjnych "Geohard" Sp. z o.o, based in Katowice, was founded in July 1994 as part of the Enterprises of Engineer Work S.A. - Holding. The company provides construction services for large commercial facilities, industrial sites, petrol stations, trail cleaners, tram and rail lines, subway trails, and highways. They also specialize in construction and rebuilding of infrastructure, especially in areas under the influence of mining operations. Przedsiebiorstwo Robot Inzynieryjnych "Geohard" Sp. z o.o also conducts research of land and facilities as a result of mining operations.
Ul. Wandy 16 L
Katowice-Szopienice; Slaskie;
Postal Code: 40-322
Contact Details: Purchase the Przedsiebiorstwo Robot Inzynieryjnych "Geohard" Sp. z o.o. report to view the information.
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