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Fundacja "Mam Serce" (Polska)

Główne obszary działalności: Wydawcy książek
Pozostała działalność: Wszystkie pozostałe wielobrażnowe sklepy towarowe | Handel elektroniczny i domy wysyłkowe | Reklama, public relations i działalność pokrewna | Organizacja konwencji i targów
Pełna nazwa: Fundacja "Mam Serce" Data aktualizacji: 18 kwietnia 2024
Kup nasz raport dla tej spółki USD 9,95 Dostępne wersje językowe: Angielski & Polski Pobierz przykładowy raport

Fundacja Mam serce is a foundation based in Warsaw, Poland. The foundation supports and helps disabled children, providing help and support to sick children and their parents in the struggle for the return to health. They organize and finance the purchase of specialized medical equipment and medicines necessary to save the health or life of children, and provide assistance to hospitals and medical facilities in the field of health protection and salvation of lives of children in difficult life or material conditions. The foundation is currently caring for 12 children with heart defects, cancers, and severe genetic deficiencies, for which the possibilities of treatment in Poland have already exhausted. They also seek rescue abroad for those who have already lost hope. The foundation actively operates in favor of healthcare providers and has a goal of not only providing financial support but also funding rehabilitation tournaments and purchasing necessary medical equipment and educational assistance for healthcare providers. They also support medical facilities and equip Polish hospitals with necessary equipment. The foundation relies on donations and conducts campaigns on the internet, social media, and collaborates with other entities. They also aim to purchase a new, mobile incubator for the transport of sick newborns for Wojewódzka Emergency and Sanitary Transport Station in Plock.

Siedziba główna
Ul. Indiry Gandhi 35/302
Warszawa; Mazowieckie; Kod pocztowy: 02-776

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Data założenia/wpisu do rejestru:
16 sierpnia 2010
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