The Company was created on November 30, 2012. The Company is a Panamanian company that sirver as issuer of the bonds, and as the costs of intererses and expenses of the emisison are attributed to the sociedadesque they generate the income of the rents that use as repayment of the interests and the capital of the bonds. The company does not have operations of important results to what it limits itself to recognizing ingresoso of interests for the funds supported in bank accounts and expenses of imopuestos directly of the company. The Company is listed in the Stock Exchange of Panama.
Casa Matriz
Avenida Central 7Ma. Sector La Cuchilla Corregimiento De, Calidonia, Edificio El Titan Planta Baja
Panamá; Panamá;
Código Postal: 081605098
Datos de contacto: Comprar el Absa Financial, Corp. informe para acceder a la información.
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