Pressure Products Sdn. Bhd. is based in Malaysia, with the head office in Shah Alam. It operates in the Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers industry. The enterprise was incorporated on September 01, 1988. Pressure Products Sdn. Bhd. currently employs 11 (2019) people. From the latest financial highlights, Pressure Products Sdn. Bhd. reported a net sales revenue drop of 10.79% in 2022. Over the same period, its total assets decreased by 11.31%. The net profit margin of Pressure Products Sdn. Bhd. decreased by 10.28% in 2022.
Lot 1, Jalan Pasaran 23/5, Kawasan Miel Shah Alam, Section 23
Shah Alam; Selangor;
Postal Code: 40300
Contact Details: Purchase the Pressure Products Sdn. Bhd. report to view the information.
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