Kj Energy Management Sdn. Bhd. is based in Malaysia. The head office is in Kuala Lumpur. It operates in the Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply industry. It was incorporated on November 11, 2019. From the latest financial highlights, Kj Energy Management Sdn. Bhd. reported a net sales revenue drop of 59.59% in 2023. There was a total negative growth of 15.09% in Kj Energy Management Sdn. Bhd.’s total assets over the same period. In 2023, Kj Energy Management Sdn. Bhd.’s net profit margin increased by 4.69%.
Suite G.01, Ground Floor, Wisma E & C, No.2 Lorong Dungun Kiri, Damansara Heights
Kuala Lumpur; Federal Territories;
Postal Code: 50490
Contact Details: Purchase the Kj Energy Management Sdn. Bhd. report to view the information.
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