Talsu mezrupnieciba AS is a company located in the North-West of Kurzeme, Talsi County, Town of Stende. It operates in the forestry and forest industry sector, offering wood impregnation and drying services using the "SHOLZ" Pressure/Vacuum-Impregnating PL machine with a capacity of 110 m3. The company uses the environment-friendly impregnation fluid CELCURE C4 for chemical processing of wood. Its products include impregnated and dried wooden poles used for various purposes such as reinforcing pond and river banks, building construction, terraces, wooden fences, and playgrounds.
Dumpīšu iela 3
Stende; Talsu novads;
Почтовый индекс: 3257
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Talsu Mežrūpniecība AS отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://www.tmr.lv
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