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Vilniaus Degtine UAB (Lithuania)

Main Activities: Beverage Manufacturing | Distilleries | Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers
Full name: Vilniaus Degtine UAB Profile Updated: November 01, 2024
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The history of the company Vilniaus Degtine goes back to the beginning of the 20th century, namely 1907, to Obeliai distillery that was owned by counts in Rokiskis region. At that time its purpose was to prepare beverages to be put on the table for noblemen. More than 100 years later, grain spirit for the beverages produced by Vilniaus degtine continues to be distilled in Obeliai today. Vodka accounts for the largest share of the company's output. The most popular types of vodka are Bajoru, Sobieski and Karvedys. The company produces also bitters and liqueurs. Most of its products are made out of natural components - nuts, berries, fruit, juice and honey. The products of Vilniaus Degtine preserving old Lithuanian production traditions were many times awarded prizes for their distinct quality and recipes. In 1995, Vilniaus degtine was reorganized into special purpose public company. In November of 2003 more than 80 percent of shares of the company were acquired by the French concern BELVEDERE S.A. The French company BELVEDERE SA operates joint venture or subsidiary companies in more than 25 foreign countries. It specializes in production and trade as well as creation and management of trademarks of strong alcoholic beverages. Presently the concern BELVEDERE S.A. owns 150 world-known trademarks of alcoholic drinks. The largest subsidiaries of BELVEDERE SA are in Russia, USA, Poland and Bulgaria. The concern manages several plants in Poland, Bulgaria and Lithuania, where it produces vodka, bitters, vine and other alcoholic beverages. Planning to increase sales of alcoholic drinks worldwide, BELVEDERE SA cooperates with producers of alcohol in Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, Japan, Lebanon, the Caribbean and South Korea. Today the structure of the concern provides favorable conditions for efficient trade in BELVEDERE SA products all over the world.

Paneriu g. 47
Vilnius; Vilnius county; Postal Code: LT-03160

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Registered Capital:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
November 23, 1990
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General Director
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Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency EUR. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total equity
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)

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