Established in 1954, Klaipedos Baldai AB is the largest manufacturer of furniture in Lithuania. The company manufactures different purpose furniture of about 250 titles: office, bedroom, youth, and single household furniture. The company has implemented the quality management system compliant with requirements of ISO 9001:2001 standard, and the environmental protection management system (ISO 14001). The quantity of sold output per employee is one of the largest in Lithuania. The company employs about 700 people. It invests in different social spheres: it supports schools, finances the healthcare, education and other programs. Wholesale trades of Klaipedos Baldai AB on foreign and Lithuanian markets are carried out through the company SBA Baldu Kompanija. About 94% of the products manufactured by the company are sold in the USA, West European and Russian markets. The largest share of the orders falls to the foreign partner IKEA Trading und Design A.G., which sells the company's output through its wide store-chain in various countries.
Joniškės g. 21
Klaipėda; Klaipėdos apskritis;
Почтовый индекс: LT-91267
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите AB Klaipėdos Baldai отчет .
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