Company group ALITA is involved in the production of alcohol and other beverages, wholesale and retail, and logistics. ALITA produces floating wines, brands, cocktails, and other beverages. It is the only company in Lithuania capable of producing strong grain beverage and started the production of the first Lithuanian whisky in 2017. ALITA, in conjunction with the factories Stumbras, Drinking Wine, and Gubernia, belongs to the drinking company MV GROUP Production. The company is known for its natural fermentation floating wines, high-quality bruns, and cocktails.
Miškininkų g. 17
Alytus; Alytaus apskritis;
Почтовый индекс: LT-62200
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Įmonių Grupė Alita, AB отчет .
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