The historical evidence of the brewery Gubernija (patented trademark) goes back to 16 century. It may be the oldest brewery in the Baltic countries, taking rise from the manor brewery. Having come a long way in history, Gubernija became an active market participant after the company's privatization, which took place in 1996. Gubernija produces beer of classical technology, kvass from natural products and beer cocktails. The whole output of the company has a distinguished feature - no chemical substances, only natural products are used. The visiting card of Gubernija is considered to be its brand names of beer Kvietinis, Gubernijos ekstra, and bread kvass Duonos gira. Starting from 1926, the company's beer Kunigaiksciu has been produced according to the oldest recipes. By its marketing decisions the company often becomes an innovator of the Lithuanian beer industry: it was the first producer of wheat beer Kvietinis, created the recipe of the natural bread kvass Duonos gira and has been its single producer so far, and was the first to introduce beer cocktails into the market. Presently Gubernija AB is the sponsor of several sports teams and organizer of championships. The company covers about 10% of the market, exports its output to the USA, Latvia, Russia, Israel, Germany, Sweden.
Dvaro g.179
Šiauliai; Šiaulių apskritis;
Почтовый индекс: LT-76176
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