Commercial Development Company PLC is a public limited liability company incorporated in Sri Lanka on March 14, 1980. It is listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange and its registration number is PQ 114. The company's registered office is located at No. 8-4/2, York Arcade Building, Leyden Bastian Road, Colombo 01, Sri Lanka. The company's phone/facsimile number is +94 11 244 7300 and its email address is The company's tax payer identification number is 124010578. In 1980, the company was incorporated to construct the headquarters for the Commercial Bank with a 40% equity participation of the bank. In 1983, the company was listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange. In 1984, the company opened the new Commercial Development Company Building, known as "Commercial House". The headquarters of the Commercial Bank was shifted to this building. Over the years, the company has expanded its services provided to the Commercial Bank by increasing its existing employee cadre. In 2014, the company further expanded its business by recruiting more than 80 employees. In 2017, the company moved its office premises to a new location at York Arcade Building, Leyden Bastion Road, Colombo 1. In 2019, the company was awarded the title of "Asia's Most Trusted Company" in the Real Estate category in Sri Lanka by the International Brand Consulting Corporation of USA. The company also upgraded its information systems and processes in the same year. It marked its first CSR activity by organizing an eye and other organ donation scheme amongst its staff, with more than 150 employees volunteering to sign up for this cause. In 2020, the company celebrated its 40th anniversary.
No. 8-4/2, York Arcade Building, Leyden Bastian Road
Colombo; Western Province;
Postal Code: 1
Contact Details: Purchase the Commercial Development Company Plc report to view the information.
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