Kazakhstan Stock Exchange AO, located in Almaty, was established on November 17, 1993, with the aim of organizing and developing the national currency market. It was initially known as the Kazakhstan Interbank Currency Exchange and later renamed as the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange. Since its inception, KASE has been the only trading platform in Kazakhstan that serves the stock, currency, and money markets. The exchange has formed a strong partnership with professional participants, many of whom are shareholders, to ensure a balance between the interests of the exchange as a commercial company and its service consumers. Today, KASE is more than just an exchange. It values its history, the unique knowledge of its employees, and the trust it has built with professional market participants. The exchange continuously improves its operational standards to enhance the attractiveness of the Kazakhstani exchange market and strives to set an example for other market participants in terms of corporate governance and information transparency.
ул. Байзакова, 280, северная башня МФК Almaty Towers, 8-й этаж
Алматы; Алматы;
Почтовый индекс: 050040
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Казахстанская фондовая биржа АО отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://www.kase.kz
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