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КМК Мунай АО (Казахстан)

Основные виды деятельности: Добыча нефти и газа
Прочие виды деятельности: Агентства по трудоустройству и службы поиска исполнителей
Полное наименование компании: КМК Мунай АО Дата обновления данных о компании: 04 июля 2024
Купить наш отчет этой компании USD 29,95 Актуальные финансовые данные: 2023 Доступен на: английский & русский Скачать образец отчета

KMK Munai AO is a private joint-stock company located in Aktobe, Kazakhstan. It was formed in 2004 through the merger of three companies: TOO "Kokzhidе Munay", TOO "Kumsay Munay", and TOO "Mortuk Munay". Previously, the company was known as "KKM Operating Company" and "Lancaster Petroleum". On March 29, 2010, the company continued its development under the new name "KMK Munai" due to the arrival of new shareholders. KMK Munai holds contracts for the use of oil fields in Kokzhidе, Kumsay, and Mortuk, which are located in the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan. These fields are part of the eastern section of the rich Caspian oil and gas basin, which contains over 100 billion barrels of oil. The fields are situated approximately 250 kilometers south of Aktobe city, which has a major airport and a regional railway junction. The region has well-developed infrastructure, including railways, oil and gas pipelines, power supply systems, and roads. The Kenkiyak-Atyrau pipeline, built in 2003, serves as the main export route for oil-producing companies in the region, including KMK Munai. KMK Munai's head office is located in Aktobe and has a team of over 300 professionals, including geologists, engineers, technologists, legal and finance departments, and marketing, logistics, and IT departments. The company also has a representative office in Almaty, which supports communication with financial institutions, investors, and shareholders. The company is connected to the KazTransOil main oil pipeline, which links the production infrastructure to the Kenkiyak-Atyrau and Kenkiyak-Kumkol pipelines. The Kenkiyak-Atyrau pipeline serves as the main oil export route for oil-producing companies in the region, including KMK Munai, connecting to the Transneft pipeline in Russia and the CPC system with export outlets to the Black and Baltic Seas. The Kenkiyak-Kumkol pipeline is used for the transportation and delivery of oil to domestic markets and exports to the People's Republic of China. KMK Munai's strategic plans focus on expanding and growing the company, improving management efficiency, and complying with international standards. The company continues to explore and develop its existing licensed areas and acquire new high-potential assets. Investments in technologies to enhance the efficiency of field development are also planned. The company aims to become a large and promising oil company in Kazakhstan, known for its dynamic development, efficient production, and strong financial results, while also demonstrating care for the environment and its employees. The company also emphasizes its constructive policies towards the country, as well as honesty and fairness in its dealings with the government and partners.

пр. Абилкайыр Хана, 42 А
Актобе; Актюбинская область;

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Дата регистрации юр. лица:
05 апреля 2004
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Представительство АО Кмк Мунай
Филиал АО Кмк Мунай В Городе Алматы
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