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Банк Развития Казахстана АО (Казахстан)

Основные виды деятельности: Коммерческие банки
Полное наименование компании: Банк Развития Казахстана АО Дата обновления данных о компании: 30 сентября 2024
Купить наш отчет этой компании USD 9,95 Доступен на: английский & русский Скачать образец отчета

Development Bank of Kazakhstan AO, located in Nur-Sultan, was created in accordance with the Decree of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev dated December 28, 2000, No. 531 "On the Development Bank of Kazakhstan" and the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 18, 2001, No. 659 "On the establishment of the closed joint-stock company "Development Bank of Kazakhstan". The bank's mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of the national economy by investing in the non-raw materials sector of the country. Its vision is to be a development institution that, in partnership with businesses, increases the share of competitive products with high added value, expands the range of exported goods, and creates the necessary infrastructure to ensure the country's stable economic growth. The bank aims to improve and increase the efficiency of state investment activities, develop production infrastructure and manufacturing industry, and promote the attraction of external and internal investments into the country's economy. The bank operates based on principles such as consistency with the goals of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, implementation of projects with high socio-economic impact and high added value, involvement of entrepreneurs and investors in project implementation, promotion of sustainable development principles, commitment to proactivity, transparency, and ensuring the legality of activities. The bank values its employees' self-realization, health, and safety, and provides healthy and competitive working conditions. It also contributes to the development and prosperity of the country's economy and practices responsible behavior by minimizing resource consumption and following the principles of green economy and sustainable development. The bank strives for continuous improvement by applying new approaches, innovative technologies, and taking calculated risks. It values efficiency and believes that any problem can be solved with effort.

пр. Мангилик Ел, здание 55А, Н.П. 15
Астана (Нур-Султан); Астана; Почтовый индекс: 010000

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Дата регистрации юр. лица:
31 мая 2001
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