Bank Centercredit AO is a commercial bank located in Almaty, Kazakhstan. It was established on September 19, 1988, making it one of the first commercial banks in the country. The bank is a leader in the country's banking system and has been providing simple and convenient products and services using the latest technologies for over 34 years. Bank Centercredit has a wide network of branches and offices throughout Kazakhstan, serving both individuals and legal entities. It has over 3 million individual customers and more than 140,000 corporate customers. The bank also has a correspondent network of around 40 foreign banks, enabling it to facilitate international transactions. Bank Centercredit focuses on innovation and convenience to ensure that each customer category has a unique product and can use banking services comfortably. The bank actively participates in government programs to support entrepreneurship and has been recognized as the best bank for small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan. In 2021, the bank achieved leadership in implementing the "7-20-25" program and was recognized as the best HR brand in Central Asia, winning 11 awards according to VISA. The bank's mission is to provide smart and fast solutions with care for its customers, creating long-term partnership relationships.
пр. Аль-Фараби, 38
Алматы; Алматы;
Почтовый индекс: 050059
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Банк Центркредит АО отчет .
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