AltynEx Company AO is a registered company located in s. Altyndy, in the Mugalzhar district of the Aktobe region, Republic of Kazakhstan. It was incorporated on July 17, 2015. The company's approach to business is based on adhering to the highest standards of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development. AltynEx Company operates in the mining and chemical production sector. They hold several licenses, including one for the development, production, acquisition, and sale of explosive substances and products, as well as for the operation of mining and chemical production activities. They also have a license for activities related to the circulation of precursors. These licenses have indefinite validity or are valid until specific dates in the future.
ул. Астана, д. 21
с. Алтынды; Актюбинская область;
Почтовый индекс: 030713
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