AO "Ai Karaaul" is a rapidly developing public Kazakh mining company located in Almaty. It was registered on KASE in 2014. The company's main activity is conducting operations in the field of subsoil use, specifically exploration and extraction of copper. The company's name consists of the names of the structural zones Aiskaya and Karaaulskaya, within which deposits were discovered. Brief information about the subsoil use contract: The contract for the exploration of copper in the Aisko-Karaaulskoye copper ore district in the East Kazakhstan Region was signed on April 22, 2008. The area of the contract territory is 225.25 km2. Geological exploration work in the area began in 1962. As a result of geological exploration work, the "Ai" deposit was explored, as well as numerous occurrences of oxidized and sulfide copper ores, as well as native copper, were identified. The ore mineralization is mainly represented by malachite, chalcopyrite, covellite, and native copper. The main ore occurrences in the area are concentrated in the Aiskaya and Karaaulskaya structural zones.
ul. Tole Bi, d. 63
Almaty; Almaty;
Postal Code: 050000
Contact Details: Purchase the Ai Karaaul AO report to view the information.
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