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Muhak Co.,Ltd. (South Korea)

Main Activities: Beverage Manufacturing | Wineries
Full name: Muhak Co.,Ltd. Profile Updated: May 25, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 29.95 Most recent financial data: 2022 Available in: English Download a sample report

Muhak Co., Ltd., located in Changwon, is a company that has been leading change and innovation in the liquor industry. Their management philosophy is centered around providing a rich life to their customers and uneducated families through new creativity and a sense of challenge. In 1995, Muhak introduced a new formula for soju called "white" at 23 degrees, breaking the tradition of the soju market using the company name as a product name. This brought about a change in the soju market. Recognizing the changes in liquor consumer culture and the expanding participation of women in society, Muhak launched "Good Day" in 2006. This ultra-low soju at 9.2006 degrees offered a soft and unique taste, leading to a major shift in the domestic soju market. Continuing their commitment to innovation, Muhak developed a new category of alcoholic beverages called "unsweetened shochu" in 2019. By introducing 'Zero Marketing' to the soju market, Muhak received a positive response from consumers and influenced other liquor companies to follow suit. Despite the continuous changes in the mainstream consumption environment, Muhak remains a first mover in leading mainstream culture through bold innovation and challenges. With a history dating back to the 1930s, Muhak has maintained its reputation as the No. 1 producer of sake in Korea by consistently supplying the best products to their customers. They aim to become a world-class company that promotes the excellence of Korean sake to the world, further enhancing their reputation.

469-6 Bongam-Dong, Masan, Changwon
Changwon; Gyeongsangnam; Postal Code: 630-500

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Incorporation Date:
September 19, 1973
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