Chakan GES OJSC is a company located in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. It was incorporated on January 29, 2000, as part of the restructuring of AO "Kyrgyzenergo". The company's history dates back to the early 20th century when the construction of the first hydroelectric power station in Kyrgyzstan began in the outskirts of Bishkek. This marked the beginning of the country's electrification. Since then, Chakan GES OJSC has experienced rapid development. By 1958, seven hydroelectric power stations were built and put into operation on the Western Bolshoi Chuysky Canal, forming the Alamedin GES Cascade. Chakan GES OJSC is one of the newly formed shareholder companies after the restructuring of AO "Kyrgyzenergo". However, the source does not provide information about the company's main products and services, customers, or main markets.
113, Street Suborova
Бишкек; Бишкек;
Почтовый индекс: 724330
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