Pardis Investment Company Public Joint Stock, located in Tehran, was registered on 06/04/1335 under the name of General Plastic Company. It was initially established as a private limited company. The name of the company was later changed to Plastic Insulation, and its legal status was changed to a public stock based on a resolution by the Extraordinary General Assembly. The Tehran Stock Exchange accepted the company on 11/28/1377. The company's name was further changed to Pardis Investment based on a resolution by the Extraordinary General Assembly. The main activity of Pardis Investment Company is purchasing, selling, and investing in securities in compliance with the regulations approved by the Stock Exchange and Securities Organization. The company aims to gain profit without intending to control the operations of the capitalized company.
23Th St, South Gandhi Ave-Corner Of 23Rd Street, No. 73, Fifth And Sixth Floor
Tehran; Tehran;
Postal Code: 1517933314
Contact Details: Purchase the Pardis Investment Company Public Joint Stock report to view the information.
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