Niroo Investment Company Public Joint Stock is a company located in Tehran, Iran. It was established on June 31, 2015, and is registered under number 122447 in the Tehran Companies and Industrial Property Registration Department. The major shareholder of the company is currently Iran Investment Company. Since 2016, Niroo Investment Company has been a holding company focused on investing in stocks and securities with voting rights, as well as implementing infrastructure projects related to power, water, energy, and the construction and production of water industry equipment and electricity. The company also invests in the capital market. Niroo Investment Company manages approximately 850 MWh of power plant capacity through its subsidiary, Irsa Power Plant Management Development Holding. This includes two power plants in Taban Yazd with a capacity of 500 MW and Khoi Power Plant with a capacity of 350 MW. The company is also the owner of two power plants under construction in Arian Zanjan with a capacity of 546 MW, which belong to the North and South Energy Company, as well as a 50 MW Wind Farm owned by Aban Wind Turbine Company. Additionally, Niroo Investment owns Saderat Niro Persian Gulf Kish, which is involved in commercial activities, and Satrap Gostar Niro, which operates in the real estate sector.
Sayed Jamaleldin Asadabad St, 8 Ally, Block 6
Tehran; Tehran;
Postal Code: 1436973485
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