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Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (India)

Main Activities: Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing | Line-Haul Railroads
Full name: Konkan Railway Corporation Limited Profile Updated: November 29, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 29.95 Most recent financial data: 2024 Available in: English Download a sample report

Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd. is a company located in Mumbai, India. It was incorporated on January 26, 1998, Republic Day. The company played a crucial role in connecting Mumbai and Mangalore through a 741-kilometer railway line that passes through Maharashtra, Goa, and Karnataka states. The Konkan region, where the railway is located, is known for its picturesque landscapes, including rivers, valleys, mountains, and a coastal strip bounded by the Sahyadri hills and the Arabian Sea. The construction of the railway required innovative technological solutions due to the challenging terrain and the short construction period. The completion of the project showcased the skills, discipline, team spirit, and courage of Indian engineers. The Konkan Railway has had a significant impact on the lives of the engineers and other individuals involved in the project, bringing them a sense of pride and satisfaction. The completion of the railway was a momentous occasion for the people of the Konkan region, symbolizing their aspirations and achievements.

Legal Address
Konkan Railway Corporation Limited, Belapur Bhavan Sector-11, Cbd Belapur
Thane; Maharashtra; Postal Code: 400614

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Incorporation Date:
July 19, 1990
Key Executives
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Professional Director
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Professional Director
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Jaigarh Digni Rail Limited
Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency INR. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Total equity
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Debt to Equity Ratio
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio

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