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Kamanwala Housing Construction Ltd. (India)

Main Activities: Residential Building Construction | Nonresidential Building Construction | Real Estate
Full name: Kamanwala Housing Construction Ltd. Profile Updated: December 02, 2024
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Kamanwala Housing Construction Ltd. is a construction company located in Mumbai. It was founded during the early eighties in response to a shortage of housing in the city. The company aimed to provide low-cost housing and financing options to the end consumer. They built projects such as Attar Apartments and Kamanwala Nagar in Virar under this program. In addition to constructing new housing, the company also acquired old buildings and tenements, which were repaired and renovated. The ownership rights were then transferred to tenants at reasonable rates. This approach proved to be both viable and profitable for the company, as they acquired the buildings at economical rates and received an encouraging response from tenants. Some notable projects include the conversion of Kamanwala Chambers at Fort, Mumbai, formerly known as Advani Chambers, in 1985. They also renovated and converted Kamani Chambers at Ballard Estate. Currently, the company is in the process of renovating and converting Vallabh Terrace at Opera House, Mumbai. In January 1995, the company changed its name to Kamanwala Industries Limited and entered the production of steel ingots for its construction needs. However, they no longer undertake this activity. Over time, the company has transitioned from low-cost housing projects to executing prestigious projects of high quality in prime locations. They have also changed their name to Kamanwala Housing Construction Limited to reflect their focus on construction as their core activity.

Legal Address
406, New Udyog Mandir - 2,, Mogul Lane, Mahim - (West)
Mumbai; Maharashtra; Postal Code: 400016

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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency INR. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin

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