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PT Kalindo Inti Lestari (Indonesia)

Main Activities: Other Building Material Dealers
Full name: PT Kalindo Inti Lestari Profile Updated: November 25, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 29.95 Most recent financial data: 2023 Available in: English Download a sample report

PT Kalindo Inti Lestari is a company specializing in infrastructure construction, including road and bridge construction, and the trading and distribution of construction materials. The company also operates bulk LPG filling and transportation stations, public fuel filling stations, and is a supplier of ready mixed concrete and its supporting facilities. Additionally, PT Kalindo Inti Lestari has a mining division that produces iron ore, bauxite ore, and coal, with a production capacity of 300,000 tons/month of iron and bauxite ores. The company's business expertise includes general construction, mining, energy, hotels, and properties development, and it claims to have a strong presence in other parts of Indonesia.

Kota Pontianak Darat Sekip Pontianak Kota Kalimantan Barat
Pontianak; West Kalimantan; Postal Code: 78117

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Basic Information
Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
November 19, 2003
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency USD. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
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