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További vállalatok keresése

Rév Gázipari Kft. (Magyarország)

Főtevékenység: Nagykereskedelmi ügynökök és brókerek
Teljes név: Rév Gázipari Kft. Cégprofil frissítése: 2024. július 26.
Rendeljen meg most teljes jelentést a keresett vállalatról. USD 29,95 Utolsó Pénzügyi Adatok: 2023 Jelentés nyelve: Angol & Magyar Minta jelentés megtekintése

Rév and Partners Gas Industrial Trading Ltd. (Sole representative of Luxfer Gas Cylinders) is a Hungarian company. They are the sole representative of Luxfer Gas Cylinders and distribute and mount products from recognized European manufacturers. The company offers a broad range of industrial and specialty gas cylinders, including aluminum fire extinguisher cylinders and SCBA cylinders. They also provide periodic inspection for cylinders and offer a complete range of accessories and supplies for cylinders. The company has developed technologies for shot blasting, powder painting, and testing to improve their service level and increase annual capacity. Luxfer Gas Cylinders, the company they represent, manufactures a wide range of products, including composite cylinders for EMS, medical cylinders, and aluminum scuba cylinders. Luxfer's products are used in various industries, including automotive, healthcare, and industrial applications. Luxfer has a strong record for safety and performance, providing ideal containment for a broad range of rare gas, specialty gas, and high-purity gas mixture applications. Luxfer's lightweight high-pressure cylinders help reduce strains, sprains, and muscular pain caused by carrying extra weight. Luxfer's products are widely used in more than 50 countries and have an outstanding record for safe, dependable performance. Luxfer also manufactures custom liners for third-party customers and offers a wide range of aluminum cylinders for containment of CO2 and related gas blends. Luxfer's products are designed to exceed domestic and international certifications, including DOT and AS9100 standards. Luxfer has introduced exclusive technologies, such as the SGS (Superior Gas Stability) aluminum cylinder internal surface for specialty gas applications. Additionally, Luxfer has developed carbon fibre fully wrapped 300 bar composite cylinders and a patented L7X higher-strength aluminum alloy. Luxfer's products are available in Europe and Australia, and they offer a broad range of high-pressure aluminum scuba cylinders. Luxfer's composite cylinders for EMS provide increased gas capacity in small, durable cylinders that are lighter than steel cylinders and standard aluminum cylinders. Luxfer also provides increased gas capacity in smaller packages, improving patient mobility and letting them stay active longer. Luxfer's medical cylinders offer important advantages for patients, especially those who are ambulatory. Luxfer's products are used in various applications, including hospitals, nursing homes, and other caregiving facilities, especially for situations that require reduced weight, corrosion resistance, and product portability. Luxfer's products are also used in the manufacture of semiconductors and other electronic products, in which maintaining gas purity and stability is essential. Luxfer's composite cylinders are available in a wide range of sizes and capacities, and they offer a complete range of accessories and supplies for cylinders. Luxfer's products are distributed by Rév and Partners Gas Industrial Trading Ltd. (Sole representative of Luxfer Gas Cylinders) in more than 30 countries, and the company has established strong ties with key players in the market, including gasworks. Luxfer's products are also used in various industries, including automotive, healthcare, and industrial applications. Luxfer has a strong record for safety and performance, providing ideal containment for a broad range of rare gas, specialty gas, and high-purity gas mixture applications. Luxfer's lightweight high-pressure cylinders help reduce strains, sprains, and muscular pain caused by carrying extra weight. Luxfer's products are widely used in more than 50 countries and have an outstanding record for safe, dependable performance. Luxfer also manufactures custom liners for third-party customers and offers a wide range of aluminum cylinders for containment of CO2 and related gas blends. Luxfer's products are designed to exceed domestic and international certifications, including DOT and AS9100 standards. Luxfer has introduced exclusive technologies, such as the SGS (Superior Gas Stability) aluminum cylinder internal surface for specialty gas applications. Additionally, Luxfer has developed carbon fibre fully wrapped 300 bar composite cylinders and a patented L7X higher-strength aluminum alloy. Luxfer's products are available in Europe and Australia, and they offer a broad range of high-pressure aluminum scuba cylinders. Luxfer's composite cylinders for EMS provide increased gas capacity in small, durable cylinders that are lighter than steel cylinders and standard aluminum cylinders. Luxfer also provides increased gas capacity in smaller packages, improving patient mobility and letting them stay active longer. Luxfer's medical cylinders offer important advantages for patients, especially those who are ambulatory. Luxfer's products are used in various applications, including hospitals, nursing homes, and other caregiving facilities, especially for situations that require reduced weight, corrosion resistance, and product portability. Luxfer's products are also used in the manufacture of semiconductors and other electronic products, in which maintaining gas purity and stability is essential. Luxfer's composite cylinders are available in a wide range of sizes and capacities, and they offer a complete range of accessories and supplies for cylinders. Luxfer's products are distributed by Rév and Partners Gas Industrial Trading Ltd. (Sole representative of Luxfer Gas Cylinders) in more than 30 countries, and the company has

Kőbányai út 49.
Budapest; Budapest; Postai irányírószám: 1101

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A részletek eléréshez kérjük, vásárolja meg az elemzést.
Alapítás dátuma:
2001. szeptember 11.
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A jelentés megvásárlása után hozzáférést kap az adatokhoz.
EKC Europe Gyártó Zrt.
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