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Accedo Broadband Hu Kft. (Magyarország)

Főtevékenység: Számítógépes rendszerek tervezése
Teljes név: Accedo Broadband HU Kft. Cégprofil frissítése: 2022. augusztus 31.
Rendeljen meg most teljes jelentést a keresett vállalatról. USD 29,95 Utolsó Pénzügyi Adatok: 2022 Jelentés nyelve: Angol & Magyar Minta jelentés megtekintése

Accedo is a video solutions provider that offers a range of products and services, including the flagship product Accedo One, a SaaS user experience platform designed to launch, adapt, and grow video services. Accedo is a leader in the realm of video streaming and aims to continuously innovate and disrupt the industry by creating a scalable platform for building impactful video applications. The company leverages its partner network to integrate recommendation engines and providers of AI-driven enhancements to enrich the end user experience. Accedo's engineering teams have two decades of experience building video applications across all major platforms, including set-top boxes, Smart TVs, Android TV, RDK, Roku, Apple TV, web, mobile, and gaming consoles. The company offers a suite of UX templates that guarantee quality in terms of design and functionality, while also offering flexibility to add customized elements if required. Accedo's solutions bring all the components of a service together, offering a one-stop shop for managing content and subscribers, as well as handling metadata for Linear TV, EPG, Catch Up TV, Video-on-Demand, and channel packages. The company also provides managed services for OTT, enabling content service providers to achieve cost efficiency and profitability. Accedo has developed video solutions designed specifically for the sports market and has launched a new metaverse solution, Xtend Sports, to enable sports bodies to create immersive metaverse sports experiences. Accedo has partnered with ecosystem vendors such as Google, Apple, RDK, Roku, Samsung, LG, and Sony, and has collaborated with technology partners such as Brightcove and Jump Data Driven Video to enhance video services. The company has also acquired Hibox, a provider of advanced TV solutions, to accelerate its growth in the North American market. Accedo has worked with ITV to bring ITV's streaming service, ITVX, to PlayStation 4 and 5 consoles in the UK, broadening ITVX's reach. Accedo has also collaborated with Al Sharqiya Group to enhance Al Sharqiya's OTT streaming service with the introduction of one of Iraq's first Subscription Video-On-Demand (SVOD) platforms, alongside live linear channels. Accedo's experience and expertise in designing and building OTT video applications positions the company to help elevate OTT services' UX and drive viewer engagement and retention. Accedo's commitment to innovation, R&D, and user-centric research enables the company to stay on top of OTT video trends and deliver next-generation video solutions, incorporating the latest Extended Reality (XR) technologies. Accedo's focus is to equip clients with a comprehensive understanding of effective strategies tailored to their unique business requirements. Accedo's teams bring the right combination of knowledge and tools to identify users' behavioral patterns at different points of service interaction, then turn this insight into action to help improve customer retention, user engagement, and OTT monetization strategies. Accedo's commitment to high-quality video experiences in immersive platforms led to the launch of the Xtend Partner Hub, representing a pivotal step in the transition of the media industry into extended reality. Accedo's partner, Tiledmedia, is a global leader in the scalable delivery of video to consumers. Accedo's collaboration with Qualcomm Technologies aims to transform home entertainment and introduce next-gen technologies to sports and media streaming platforms.

Rákóczi út 1-3.
Budapest; Budapest; Postai irányírószám: 1088

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Alapítás dátuma:
2014. március 06.
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